
Lack of education

  Must be Important The lack of education is serious. People who  lack education  have trouble getting ahead in life, have worse health and are poorer than the well- educated . Major effects of  lack of education  include:  poor  health,  lack  of a voice, shorter lifespan, unemployment, exploitation and gender inequality. Can Kill You

Not Just America Y'all

  Your Research It's not just America but all over the world with the lack of education. It's worse now due to Covid and everything online because they're are a lot of families who don't have the time to teach there kids because they have to work to put food on the table.   It ranks the world's poorest countries according to their education systems.  Somalia  has the least functional system in the world with just 10% of children going to primary school, while Eritrea is second worst. Haiti, Comoros and Ethiopia fare almost as badly. Covid a Major Cause

Why is it a Problem

  They Are Just Kids      The lack of education can cause a lot of problems sure you can get by but how good of a life do you truly want and desire.  The  poverty  trap involves the inability to escape  poverty  due to a lack of resources. This can also lead to an intergenerational  poverty   gap, meaning children of those already in the trap are more likely to be at risk as well. Education provides the ability for one to access the knowledge necessary to make a living. You want your kids to have an amazing childhood and let them enjoy themselves because they're kids. Don't force them to work because of the lack of education.  Just Listen

ADHD in Boys

  ADHD in Boys These are just two of the many   myths about ADHD. There’s some kernel of truth behind them, though. Girls and boys have ADHD just as often. But boys   are   more likely than girls to be   diagnosed   with ADHD. That’s because they’re more likely to have hyperactivity as a symptom.  Every child with ADHD is unique. But in many cases, the experience of ADHD for boys can be very different from  the experience for girls.  Boys are more likely than girls to have hyperactivity as a symptom. That might look like: Running and shouting when playing, even indoors Playing too roughly Bumping into people and things  Constantly moving even when seated Need to Know

ADHD in Girls

    Daily Battles G irls with ADHD usually turn their pain and anger inward. This puts girls at an increased risk for depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. Girls with undiagnosed ADHD are also more likely to have problems in school, social settings, and personal relationships than other girls.  If a girl is hyperactive, she might be described as a "tomboy" because she likes physical activity and doesn’t seem to enjoy the "typical things" a girl her age does. She might also be in motion in less obvious ways, perhaps doodling constantly or moving around in her chair. Knowing what a girl with ADHD goes through on a daily basis to try and keep under control  is exhausting. I should know I go through these daily and I want others to know their not alone in these daily battles.  Appears withdrawn Cries easily Daydreaming and in a world of her own  Difficulty maintaining focus; easily distracted  Disorganized and messy (in her appearance a...


    ADHD Emotion      ADHD is tough to live with but not impossible.  The ADHD brain feels emotions to the extreme. Worry becomes crippling anxiety in a blink. Frustration triggers red hot anger. The medication the doctors put you on is horrible and I want to tell every parent to never put there child on it. It gets rid of your Childs emotions and feelings so there just a zombie walking around going with the motion of the crowd. Then once they get off the pill it's like a tsunami of emotions and feelings they have never felt and don't have experience with, what a child learns from a young age is what ADHD teens and adults try to learn once they get off the medication. Sometimes it's to much to handle so we become closed off from the world and seem heartless but we just don't want to go through all those emotions that we have never felt before.   Everyone Needs To Know

Men are Impossible

  Men have it so easy.      Men say Women are impossible, I say guys are impossible. Most Women don't expect much out of you men we can fall in love with the small simple things, yet it's taking the time and putting in willingness to do so. If you do then you can have any girl you want not all women go for looks most of us go for personality and character. Men have everything handed to them they get more opportunities in society they get the last pick they get to decide. I say it's not fair because a women can work just as hard as a men in the work place and have just as many good ideas even better ones but we still get pushed to the side and hear them say "let the real men speak".  Still Good Men Out There