ADHD Emotion

Emotional Distress Syndrome: How to Identify and Overcome EDS

    ADHD is tough to live with but not impossible. The ADHD brain feels emotions to the extreme. Worry becomes crippling anxiety in a blink. Frustration triggers red hot anger.The medication the doctors put you on is horrible and I want to tell every parent to never put there child on it. It gets rid of your Childs emotions and feelings so there just a zombie walking around going with the motion of the crowd. Then once they get off the pill it's like a tsunami of emotions and feelings they have never felt and don't have experience with, what a child learns from a young age is what ADHD teens and adults try to learn once they get off the medication. Sometimes it's to much to handle so we become closed off from the world and seem heartless but we just don't want to go through all those emotions that we have never felt before.

 Everyone Needs To Know


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