
Showing posts from September, 2020

Police Officers Can Be Your Saving Grace

  Police Are Angles In Disguise           Police Officer's bleed just like you and me. Police Officer's have families just like you and me. Police Officer's want justice just like you and me. Police Officer's have hopes and dreams just like you and me. Police Officer's fear and worry just like you and me. So what's the difference between them and us? I will tell you they wake up everyday knowing that today might be the last day I get to see my family and them still going out on the front lines ready to make those split sec decision without hesitation.  To help and protect anyone stranger they see in trouble; will even give their life for yours. So why are you being so mean and ugly to them, they could just be your saving grace or your son/daughters saving grace. So take the time today and thank an officer for all that they do and go though an a daily bases.  Police Save Lives   Google search of the phrase “ Police Officer Saves Life ” fo...

The Bible Says It All

The Bible Says It All      In Romans 13; it clearly states that Police are suppose to punish the wrongdoer. It is the polices job to protect the innocent and enforce the law. As it also says that fathers bring up their  children in the discipline of the lord, parents who only turn the other cheek and do not return spankings for insolence breed brats not pacifist.          " Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.   Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.   For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.   For the one in ...

Police Are Human

Cops Are People Too!!!          This is Racism at its finest this is judging not by their skin color or ethnicity but by what they wear, blue.  Sworn duty to protect the citizens of America and their families and friends but yet you don't see them like that. These men and woman out there on the lines is a father, a mother, a daughter, a son, a aunt, a uncle.... but y'all don't see them like that. They are doing their job and leaving the safety and comfort of their home to save and protect people they do not know.  Police  are here to make a difference and be there whenever you need them. They put their lives at risk everyday just for someone they don't know, but they would risk their life for your safety and health. 

Riots Are Not Peaceful!

                   Peaceful you say?         How in any way is this peaceful!!!! This is wrong!!!! The men and women who have fought for this country, your protection, you're freedom, and this is they way you thank them. Burning the flag is a fight you do not want from all of those who have served and all those rednecks and country folks who will gladly die for their country and their flag. This one of the greatest land marks and symbol ever known. There was so much loss and destruction for this flag to stand for America.                                     Here is a poem I wrote for are Brothers in arms and for those who don't understand the meaning of fighting for more than your life. Brother Dear Brother's and Sister's  we may not be of the same blood but we will shed are blood for the same r...

BLM protests went way too far.

The Flag the BLM Protests Burned!                                         "Our flag is not only one of the greatest symbols of our nation, it's one of the most prominent symbols of freedom and democracy in the world," Womack said.  There was so much loss and destruction for this flag to stand for America and are freedom. There is so much meaning and love that went into that flag with every star and every strip on that flag stands for something worth dying for.  First stripe: All 13 stand for the original 13 colonies. Second stripe: The white stands for purity. Third stripe: The red stands for courage. Fourth stripe: "Give me liberty or give me death." Fifth stripe: "One if by land, two if by sea." Sixth stripe: "We the people of the United States ..." Seventh stripe: "We hold these truths to be self evident ..." With each stripe and the field of stars, another ref...

Why So Much Destruction?

All Lives Matter                            I understand what Black Lives Matter stand for and I love the idea but there are always the good apples and bad apples. What I mean when I say that is that there is a right way to go about these things like peaceful protests. There are the wrong ways to go about these things to like rites, looting and destroying property. Black Lives Matter used to stand for something good and important but its taken such a destructive path you can barely find your way through.        A group of 150 Black Lives Matter protesters smashed windows and graffitied the storefronts of Lower Manhattan chain stores and banks. There are right ways to go about things and there are wrong ways to go about them and this is a wrong way.  At least two Starbucks, five banks and a Duane Reade had their windows busted, causing an estimated $100,000 in damage.  Police recovered two...

The American People's Thoughts

  What Do We Really Think?      You can't lie about the numbers, so you now see how little this virus can effect. There are bigger problems in the world that we are forgetting about. A lot of these deaths are from are choices so why are you afraid of a virus that manly affects people who already have health problems. And I know my friend has a grandma who has stage 4 lung cancer and she got covid but she said that the chemo was so much worse than covid and she is still kicking butt till this day.  This man in this clip that is attached is finally trying to tell you the truth and trying to wake up his people. It may have language that might be offensive to snowflakes out there, but it's the only way to get this message heard and listened too.  People's Real Opinions  

Covid Created to Destroy Trump

Covid Exists Just to Attack Trump     Fox News gives you the truth. The Democrats will put the American people down and don't mind if we have to suffer just to get at Trump. Democrats  are trying to maximize the severity of the corona virus  shutdowns until the election  because they want to hurt President Trump.  This virus was created to knock Trump out of office and ruin his chances to become reelected.  The Democrat's have a mascot symbol which is the  donkey , or jackass, and y'all be acting like that all the time. That symbol for the Democrats was the best decision they have ever made because they are what they say. Trump has only down his best to make America great again. Do y'all not  realize how far the Democratic Party will go to destroy Trump, because they don't care about who they hurt in the process.       The Democratic Party used to stand for something good and he...

Is Corona a Lie?

  The Truth Behind Corona      Give me Liberty or give me death! The United States was built on the freedom we have and the right to choose.  The idea that all people are created equal, whether European, Native American, or African American, and that these people have fundamental rights, such as liberty, free speech, freedom of religion, due process of law, and freedom of assembly.  What happened too are rights, and why is the government trying to take them away in the disguise of Covid? We used to have the American spirt it was something to be proud of something we were known for. When did the American people turn into crowd followers, what happened too are fighting sprit?  Don't Get Sucked Into the Crowd        You as an American you have the right to wonder and ask questions but most importantly you have the right to get the answers you deserve. Stand up for yourself don't let them suck you into the sheep...

World's View on Abortion

  The World's View       Every year, more than thirty-six thousand people die on the US highways.  Every sixteen days, that many abortions are performed in America.  Y'all will make a big deal about a person being executed for murdering and raping... and y'all like to make a big deal on this man's life. The excuse that you make is "you can't take the life of another".  But the world falls silent when an innocent baby is wrongfully murdered. Here are a couple facts you all should look at.  Holocaust - The Nazis killed more than 10 million people in this manner, including 6 million Jews.  Flu -  Overall, the CDC estimates that 12,000 and 61,000 deaths annually since 2010 can be blamed on the flu. Black Plague -  The  plague  killed an estimated 25 million  people , almost a third of the continent's population. Abortions -  Of these unintended pregnancies, 61% ended in abortion. This translates t...

Baby's Point of View

Baby's Point of View       I wrote a poem for my project in English when I was in high school and I am going to share it with y'all I hope it helps you realize or see the way I see this situation.  Abortion, From the baby's perspective Hello up there I am your baby girl, and I have so much to share. I want to give you all that I have, but little I have; I am only 10 weeks old.  And yet all I have is my 10 little fingers and 10 little toe's. I have my organs and my heart, and I am willing to give them all to you because  I love you. You are my mother and I know you'll keep me safe and sound, but yet I am scared.  I hear you guys yell at one another about what,  I do not know?  Then I hear "it's final; it's tomorrow.  Final what? Tomorrow what? I felt my mother tense and I heard her sob all night, but yet I slept good. My dad said "Get up sweet heart it's time to go.". We're at the doctors but, why?  We had a check up last week. ...

Mind Changer About Abortion

Abortion is Wrong!           There are so many questions and so many sides and too many different situations. The Top Three point of views that I will be talking about is the mother's point of view, world's point of view, and the baby's point of view. I will be displaying facts and statistics and I will put links to look at for extra information and proof on why and how abortion is wrong. These Different point of views will be discussed through out this week. Today I will be talking about the mother's point of view because she is the one who is carrying the baby. I know there is a lot of arguments on this topic and I am not here to fight you but I am here to fight for those precious unborn baby's lives. Today I will put my opinion and facts on these top two arguments. What about women's rights? What happens if she gets raped? Welcome to Anna's Mind Changers my goal is for you to see another perspective on the whole thing and to prove that abortion is w...