Climate Change

  Fact or Fiction

    Is this world problem a real thing or is it just the earth doing its thing or can it be both? There can be  a lot of confusion around what climate change actually is. The Earths climate has always changed but due to the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere its changing in decades instead of thousands of years. The warming of Earth’s average temperature as a result of human activity, such as burning coal, oil and gas to produce energy to fuel our homes and transport and cutting down trees to produce the food we eat. 

    Plants do need carbon dioxide (CO2) to live. Plants and forests remove and store away huge amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year. Let’s be clear, CO2 itself does not cause problems. It's part of the natural global ecosystem. The problem is the quantity of CO2 that’s being produced by us as humans; there hasn’t been this level of CO2 in the atmosphere for 800,000 years. 

So y'all the take away from this is stop cutting down trees you fools. 

Why 'sustainable forest management' does not make wood a good climate  alternative to fossil fuels –


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