BLM protests went way too far.

The Flag the BLM Protests Burned!

                                  On 75th Anniversary of Iwo Jima Flag-Raising, Some Struggle with  History-Changing News |

    "Our flag is not only one of the greatest symbols of our nation, it's one of the most prominent symbols of freedom and democracy in the world," Womack said. There was so much loss and destruction for this flag to stand for America and are freedom. There is so much meaning and love that went into that flag with every star and every strip on that flag stands for something worth dying for. 

First stripe: All 13 stand for the original 13 colonies.

Second stripe: The white stands for purity.

Third stripe: The red stands for courage.

Fourth stripe: "Give me liberty or give me death."

Fifth stripe: "One if by land, two if by sea."

Sixth stripe: "We the people of the United States ..."

Seventh stripe: "We hold these truths to be self evident ..."

With each stripe and the field of stars, another reference to our nation's history is offered to a quiet audience. People cannot help feeling the weight of sacrifice that has kept this nation free from tyranny. 

                          AMERICA- The Sacrifices of Others to protect the USA. | I love america,  Military heroes, Military


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