Stereotypes on Women


Jesus Depended on Woman

Male-Female Differences Supported by Scripture and Science | The Institute  for Creation Research

Below are some of the few pressures that Society put's on us young girls and women out there. 

    If you don't have boobs or an ass you're not hot enough, but if you do you can't show them off or else you're a hoe. If you don't wear makeup you get told you should wear it, but if you wear too much then you're fake. If you do too much with guys then you're a whore but if you don't then you're a prude. If you're too tall then you'll never find a boyfriend, but if you're below a certain height then you're too short. If you show too much skin then you're a slut, but if you don't then you're boring. If you post too much of your body then you're an attention seeker, but if you don't then guys won't notice you. If you drink or smoke that's unattractive, but if you don't then you're no fun. If your thin get thicker. If you're too thick you're fat. Natural hair is boring do something to it but not too much or you try too hard. Don't be too confident or your self absorbed, but don't be insecure because guys don't like that. If your hair is too short then you're a lesbian. If you don't shave or wax that's disgusting. Wear shorts wear skirts, but not too short. wear legging but if you're flat then if won't look good. Paint your nails. show some cleavage, but don't wear push up bras. Wear jewelry but not too much. Be more athletic. You're more than a list of standards girls never change your beautiful the way you are. 

We Just Can't Win


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